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    Product : Sorghum
    Origin : India
    Quality Available : From 98% To 99.75
    Shelf Life : 1 Year From Production Date
    Packaging : 5 Kg, 10 Kg , 15 Kg , 25 Kg & 50 LBS Poly Bags
    Labelling : As Per Buyer’s Requirement.
    • Sorghum Is A Member Of The GrassFamily, A Group Of Flowering Plants That Also Includes Such Important Agricultural Grains As Wheat, Rice, Maize
    • Sorghum Has Been Grown Since Ancient Times In The Regions In India. It Is Small In Size With Round Berry And Differs In Colours From Red To Yellow To White.
    • Primarily A Strong Grass With Edible Starchy Seeds Popularly Known As Jowar, Cholam & Jonna In India Being A Diverse Crop, It Is Used In Many Different Industries.
    • Sorghum Is Mostly Drought & Heat Resistant. Extremely Hot & Dry Temperatures Are Suitable For These Grains Where Another Crops Are Hard To Grow.
    • It Reacts Well To Rainfall Mainly At The Time Of Head Forming And Grain Fill Stages.
    • Raw Material We mostly procure from APMC / Farmer Auction Market & Process With Highly Equipped Machinery Under The Supervision Of Our Proficient Professionals.


    Common Uses:

    Millions Of People In Semi-Arid Regions Of Asia Use Sorghum As The Most Important Staple Food, Serving As The Main Source Of Energy, ProteinMinerals, And Vitamins. Moreover, It Is Used For Fodder, The Production Of Alcoholic Beverages, The Production Of Biodiesel, Construction Of Brooms And Brushes, And Other Purposes.

    Sorghum Grain Is Used Primarily As A Maize Substitute For Livestock Feed Because Their Nutritional Values Are Very Similar. Grass Sorghum Also Is Grown For Pasture And Hay.  This Is Consumed By The Birds & Cattle Feed.

    Sorghum Is Considered To Be A “Powerhouse Of Nutrition” And Is A Rich Source Of Protein, NiacinIron, And Vitamin B1 And A Good Source Of Vitamin B2 

    Some Varieties Are Rich In Antioxidants And All Varieties Are Gluten-Free, Offering An Alternative For Those Who Suffer From Wheat Allergies

    It Is Used To Produce Such Foods As Porridges, Sorghum Syrup & Malted Flours For Brewing, Cookies, And Cakes.

    In Various Cultures It Is Used To Produce Alcoholic Beverages. It Is Used To Produce Beer. The Steps In Brewing Sorghum Beer Are: Malting, Mashing, Souring, And Alcoholic Fermentation.

    Sorghum Is Used In The Same Way As Barley To Produce Malt That Can Form The Basis Of A Mash That Will Brew A Beer.

    Some Varieties Of Sorghum Have Been Used For Thatch, Fencing, Baskets, Brushes, And Brooms, And Stalks Have Been Used As Fuel. Sorghum Straw (Stem Fibres) Can Also Be Made Into Excellent Wall Board For House Building, As Well As Biodegradable Packaging. 



    Being A Member Of The Millet Family, Sorghum Is Gaining Massive Attention These Days. It Is An Ancient Grain Whose Popularity Was Shadowed By Wheat And Rice. The Revival Of Sorghum Is Due To The Shift In People’s Mindset About Consuming Millets. From Weight Loss To Improved Heart Health, Sorghum Has A Range Of Health Benefits.

    Gluten Is A Protein Component Found In Wheat And Barley-Based Foods. It Causes Digestive Problems Such As Bloating, Pain, And Stomach Cramps. Sorghum, A Gluten-Free Whole Grain, Is Considered An Excellent Alternative For People Who Suffer From ‘Gluten Intolerance’.

    It Contains A Much Higher Concentration Of Fibre. A High-Fibre Diet Lowers The Risk Of Obesity, Stroke, High Blood Pressure, Cardiac Disease, Diabetes, And Digestive Problems.

    Sorghum Is A Complex Carbohydrate That Digests Slowly. As A Result, It Leads To Stable Blood Sugar Levels. Hence, It Is A Great Diet Choice For Diabetics And People Who Want To Lose Weight.

    100 Grams Of Jowar Provides 11 Grams Of Protein, Which Supplies The Body With Energy And Aids In Cell Regeneration.

    It Contains High Magnesium Levels; It Helps Maintain Calcium Levels In The Body (Magnesium Increases Calcium Absorption).

    It Contains B Vitamins, Which Help The Body Build New Tissues And Cells And Potassium And Phosphorus. Additionally, It Contains Traces Of Zinc, Copper, And Over 20 Micronutrients And High Levels Of Antioxidants.

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